We work very hard, with our vast experience, in order to provide you with better products, better delivery times, better prices. We are very much experienced in geohazard solution designs such as rockfall protection netting (using high tensile meshes and hexagonal double twisted meshes), landslide protection systems, erosion control products, chainlink fencing solutions, mobile fences... etc. We are also very glad to offer you full service from manufacturing to installation, so your demand is fully satisfied.
We can also assist you in design using rock slope netting, erosion control products, river training, slope stabilization, soil protection, rockfall barriers, debris and flood control structures, road protection and many more.
We follow closely the progress in technology, we try to improve our service quality every day, in order to keep our promises to our clients. Our motto, be better today than yesterday. Also, we know "better together" with you.
Artusa offers you Geohazard Mitigation including:
- Design & Build
- Active Mesh Stabilisation
- Revegetation
- Drill & Blast
- Rockfall Barriers
- Rockfall Attenuators
- Rockfall Mesh Drapes
- Scaling, Cleaning, Block Removal
- Debris Flow Barriers
- Avalanche Barriers
- Rockfall Modelling
- Shallow Landslide Barriers
- Ersoion Control
- Installations of Systems
- Drilling at difficult/restricted access
causes of rock falls, Rock slope stabilization programs, Planning stabilization programs, Rock slope inventory systems, Hazard rating criteria, Database analysis of slope inventory, Selection of high priority sites, Selection of stabilization measures, Stabilization by rock reinforcement, Shear keys, Rock anchor, Reaction wall, Shotcrete, Buttresses, Drainage, Shot-in-place buttress, Stabilization by rock removal, Resloping and unloArading, Trimming, Scaling, Rock removal operations, Protection measures against rock falls, Rock fall modeling, Ditches, Barriers, Rock catch fences and attenuators, Draped mesh, Warning fences, Rock sheds and tunnels, Types of slope movement, Initial response, Regressive and progressive movement, Long-term creep, Surface monitoring methods, Crack width monitors, Surveying, Laser imaging, Tiltmeters, Global positioning system, Synthetic aperture radar, Sub-surface monitoring methods, Borehole probes, Time–domain reflectometry, Inclinometers, Data interpretation, Time–movement and time–velocity plots, Slope failure mechanisms, Rock Slope Protection, Slope Roughening, Terracing, and Rounding, Mulches, Erosion Control Blankets, Mats, Anchor Block Slope Stabilization, Anchors, Gabions, Micropile Slide Stabilization System, Sculpted Shotcrete, Secant or Tangent Piles, Sheet Piles, Slurry Walls, Soil Nailing, Soldier Piles, Lagging, Buttress support, Meshing, Netting, rockfall barriers, Geobrugg, Oman, GCC, Ghana, Turkey, contractor, Soil Slope Collapse, Rock Slope Collapse, Landslide, Road Slip, Debris Flow, River Erosion, Coastal Erosion, Road Slope Disasters, rockfall protection, slope stabilisation, rock bolting, rock scaling, rope access, rockfall mesh, steel grid netting, drill and blast, high tensile mesh